Thursday, 28 July 2011

Tooth Decay - Causes n Prevention ( For Kids) !!

Why or How does Tooth Decay Occur?

Tooth decay and gum diseases are common problems for children and adults. Normal bacteria that live in the mouth can cause tooth decay and gum diseases while causing the teeth to become sensitive. The normal bacteria in the mouth use the sugar from the foods that we eat as their food and produce acid as a by-product. This acid destroys the tooth, causing decay and gum irritation (gingivitis).  As people get older, their gums recede and the roots get exposed. Now the decay occurs along the gum line. So, it is important to prevent dental problems before they start. Healthy habits related to oral hygiene and dietary practices should be introduced right from the childhood to ensure optimal oral health for a lifetime.

Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay and Gum Diseases in Children

Here are some tips to prevent tooth decay and gum diseases in children:
  1. Washing Hands: Washing hands thoroughly is the first and the foremost step in infection control. This practice helps reduce the bacteria on the hands and prevents contamination.
  2. Brushing Twice a Day: Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste removes plaque or the sticky film on teeth. Formation of plaque is the leading cause of tooth decay. The tongue should also be brushed without using any toothpaste. The toothbrush should be replaced after every one to three months or as soon as it shows wear.
  3. Flossing Daily: Daily flossing helps remove plaque from between the teeth and under the gum line. This is important to prevent the hardening of plaque into tartar. Once tartar forms, it can only be removed through professional cleaning mechanisms. Flossing can be started by the age of four.
  4. Rinsing: After brushing and flossing, the teeth should be rinsed properly for at least one minute.
  5. Avoiding Sugary Foods: Children should be encouraged to eat a well balanced diet that limits the intake of starchy or sugary foods, which are mainly responsible for producing plaque. Eating these foods with the meal instead of being taken as individual snacks is a bit "healthy" as the extra saliva produced during a meal helps to rinse food from the mouth. Low fat milk and dairy products high in calcium will prove to be beneficial for a child's health during his growth stages.
  6. Avoiding Binging: Frequent intake of snacks between the meals should be avoided, especially high-sugar snacks.
  7. Drinking Fluoridated Water: Children should be served with fluoridated drinking water. If the option is not available from the water supply, then the dentist or the pediatrician should be consulted to find out a way.
  8. Avoiding Sleeping with Baby Bottle: The child should not be allowed to sleep with a baby bottle of milk, juice, formula or other sweetened liquid. If they at all need a bottle, the same should be filled up with water.
  9. Getting Supervised While Brushing: Kids who have crossed the age of 2 years will need to be supervised while they brush their teeth. Parents need to put a pea-sized dot of toothpaste on a soft-bristled brush and they should make sure to teach them to spit the toothpaste out! Swallowing too much of fluoride toothpaste can permanently stain teeth.
  10. Brushing After Taking Medicines: If medicine is given to a child, then his teeth will need to be brushed afterward. The sugar found in some medicines can get converted into enamel-damaging acid.
  11. Using Teething Ring During Teething: Teething is normally accompanied by pain. Under such a condition, a child should be allowed to chew on a clean teething ring, cool spoon or a cold wet washcloth. Rubbing the child's gums with a clean finger can also be tried.
  12. Going for Regular Dental Checkups: Regular dental checkups and cleanings should be scheduled.
As a parent, you can come out with several innovative techniques to encourage your child to take care of his oral hygiene .